In tune with the natural cycle of the seasons, you need to prepare your garden for each new season. Whether it’s for spring or fall, it’s always best to plan. Want to start planning your big garden cleanup now? Here’re our simplest steps to do just that.

  1. Prepare your garden cleanup kit:

If you have rusty, old tools, you won’t get so far with your garden cleanup. What to do? You can either bring your old tools and fix them or buy a garden cleanup kit. Take care to get the appropriate kit for the season. At minimum, you’ll need the following tools:

  • Weeder
  • Knife set
  • Gloves
  • Bag
  • Brush
  • Trimmer
  1. Get to Trimming:

With your tools ready for the big garden cleanup, start by trimming the dead and damaged branches. Overcrowded, overgrown beds will also need some pruning. Your first move should be restoring your plants to their original shape. Make sure not to cut the whole branch, use a handsaw to cut a few inches below the damage so the branch can grow back to health.

  1. Remove dead leaves

Cleaning around your plants is as important as trimming them. So, disinfect your plants by removing fallen leaves and dead foliage. Remove the unusable mulch so you can add a new layer later after the work is done. Replant frost-heaved plants in the flower beds if they are in good shape.

  1. Add fertiliser

Fertilise the soil in your garden, giving them enough time to penetrate deep into the roots. Make sure to add some fertiliser to the bulbs, around the time they start flowering. It extends the bloom time and nurtures the next season’s bounty. Clean the edges of the beds and secure any loose irrigation lines.

  1. Leaf mould

Pile up all the shredded leaves, foliage, and cuttings, and even all the mulch in a corner. You can set up a fence around it. To accelerate the decomposition rate, cut large branches into small pieces and add a compost starter. This is great for organic gardening.

  1. Seed Preparation

Spring is a good time to test the level of pH in the soil. Remove infected, damaged pasture and turfs to prepare the soil for seeding. Keep the new seed moist, dip it into the compost if you need to, it will also help increase germination rate.

  1. Minor Landscape Changes

Depending on the season, you may want to shape and prune the hedges, cut overgrown perennials, and pull out excessive weeds. It can be an important step in the garden cleanup because it can prepare your garden for the next season.

  1. Put up a Wall

Prevent pests from destroying all your hard work by putting up a wall fence. If you have pets, this will also help. The type of barrier will depend on the type of pests that are likely to attack your garden.

  1. Clean the Furniture

Use patio, terrace, or deck cleaners if necessary. However, for pieces of furniture in your garden use a dry cloth to clean any cobwebs and dirt. For tough spots, use a wet cloth or scrubber.

  1. Plan Ahead

To wrap up this blog post and your garden cleanup, it’s time to plan for whatever you want to do with your garden the next season.

What plants, flowers, or trees you want to add to your garden? What major changes you want to make, landscaping or otherwise?

Now that your garden is all cleaned up, you’re free to enjoy it the way you like. Contact us if you have questions about garden maintenance or lawn care.