Not only is your garden a wonderful place to retreat to when you want some relaxation or quiet company, but it’s a great way to invigorate yourself. Although some may love a lot of green on green, there are others who want to have an extremely colourful garden. For those who have already planted your garden around your landscaping design elements, you may not want to completely redesign the look and feel via gardening. Instead, here are some top ideas for infusing your garden with colourful life, without detracting from your current gardening displays.

Have Seating? Use Colourful Cushions: whether you have a table and chairs, seating around your Jacuzzi or hot tub, or have built-in bench seats, adding some colourful cushions or sectional pillows can go a long way. Not only can you accent these with the colours of your existing gardening displays but you can spruce up areas that may not have a lot of colour to them. Another choice would be to add a vibrant sun parasol to your existing seating area. Not only does this help create shade, it can be placed almost anywhere in the garden where you have seating.

Add in a Hammock: if your garden is all about relaxation, consider buying or getting a brightly coloured hammock. The great thing about this idea is that you don’t necessarily need a patio to implement. Rather, find a few sturdy trees and set it up. This can make a darker corner of the garden thrive with colour. 

Paint or Tile Your Walkways: if you have a larger garden that features walkways, consider painting them in bold, patterned colours. If you are extremely artistic, this can be a great way to make an already beautiful garden, absolutely stunning. If you don’t want to paint any walkways, you could always tile them with more muted colours to accent the surrounding greenery.

Add in Mosaic Lighting: this is a subtler way to add colour to your garden. What makes this great is that you can add in lighting either along pathways, along your patio deck or along the garden areas. You can either do a mosaic lighting shade or choose to go with a solid colour, either way, this idea is multi-functional which makes it practical.

Choose Water Feature Displays: this is a fun idea because you can either go big or small with it. You could choose a sprawling fountain with lighting, plants, and different water theatrics, or you could go with something small like a vase water feature. Not only can these add colour but they will enhance the atmosphere of your entire garden.

Other than the above, you could always add in painted rocks into your gardens, create stepping stone displays, or even add in colourful rocks at the edges of where your gardens meet the grass line. If you want to go a step further and don’t mind gardening a bit more, plant a larger variety of flowers.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions about Strata garden maintenance, lawn mowing, lawn care or garden maintenance.